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About the program:

Leadership skills program is conducted for MBA students during the first and second semesters. This program is driven by external trainers who are experts in their domains.
The major objective of this course is to make students industry ready through practice of corporate etiquettes. It also aims at helping students understand their strengths and weakness and develop analytical and creative ability to solve problems.
The course is spread over two semesters. During the first semester the focus is on communication and public speaking skills. Listening skills and Writing skills are other areas covered during this course.
During the second semester topics such as self-awareness, goal setting, critical thinking, business etiquettes etc. are focused. Both the courses are followed by practical assessments and individual feedback at the end.

Expected outcomes:

  • Improved communication skills

  • Overcoming stage fear

  • Enhanced self-awareness

  •  Develop analytical and creative ability

  •  Become industry ready

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