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An Initiative to Drive “Campus to Corporate” Transformation

About the program:
“Super 30” is a uniquely designed skill development initiative of the management of BNM Institute of Technology. It features series of skill  development programs and assessments, ultimately aiming at producing best management professionals to the industry who can fit into various roles and hired for best salary packages across top MNCs.

Objectives and benefits:
Creating a group of skilled management professionals by-

  1. Creating self and interpersonal awareness

  2. Bridging gap between industry and academia through mentors from industries

  3. Making students industry ready through carefully curated skill development programs conducted by top  industry experts.

  4. Overall personality development

  5. Preference for participation and volunteering in events, competitions, conferences etc.

  6. Providing more Internships and placements

  7. Harvard square certification opportunity.

Expected outcomes:

  1. Higher chances of placements in top companies

  2. Strong LinkedIn profiles

  3. Better salary packages

  4. Overall development of personality

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